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Showing posts from October, 2017

The Saxophone 薩克斯風

How if....when you say: " Maybe I can choose a Saxophone...." This decision already made you the chosen one in the future.... 在1992年的時候,沒有任何脈絡可尋的,忽然間想說:「來吹吹薩克斯風吧!」。兩年後,就這樣碰巧地在外國某處跟薩克斯相遇了。過了幾年,就在不同的樂隊和音樂學校得到一份專門吹薩克斯的職業。當時只是以輕鬆的心情這麼想:「就大概這樣子吹吹吧!」,卻得到了一份這樣的職業,現在想想覺得還真不可思議。 如果, 我是說如果,有一種樂器叫 「薩克斯」。如果世界上,有一些人以吹薩克斯爲專門的職業。這麼說來,好像世界上真有這種職位是理所當然的咯?或許真的有這麼一回事也說不定?要是這麼認真地想,頭腦就像走進迷宮去,兜來兜去出不來了。 為什麼他會吹起薩克斯?為什麼別人就沒有呢?為什麼一定是薩克斯,為什麼就不是別的呢? 或許,吹薩克斯這種職業,比起像我這樣的以攝影爲職業,似乎更深奧難以理解了。 或許他是在某一天,在熱帶的小島上的雨林深處,偶然地遇上「薩克斯」的。說不定,就這樣大家聊起未來,他就和薩克斯變成分也分不開的好搭檔了。或許他們經歷了少不了的艱辛歷程之後,他才和薩克斯終於走上舞台,開始演奏 careless whisper 的一節過門。也許... 或許在別的森林深處,也有另外一個數位變焦的長鏡頭,正在等待著某個未來的攝影師經過那裡噢! 目前,我像是以攝影爲主業,音樂爲副業的人(可能你會說:看你在沒有工作的時候,還不是都在拍照?) 每天到公司,有很多照片要拍攝,還有很多照片要處理,歸類分檔。然後是,OK!今天的進度趕完了,接下來可以輕鬆的到音樂課室講課了(或者是,今晚要去上節目了)。音樂的事,變成自己喜歡做的事還滿好的。 就是說,音樂對我來說,更像是興趣,享受。像是說:「好了,今天的工作做完了,可以去釣魚了」。這樣的心情,那麼單純地,開心地吹起薩克斯風,「讓喜歡薩克斯的學生也這樣開心地學會吹薩克斯風吧!」這麼說好像有點奇怪,不過我想,擁有這樣的興趣的副業也是相當不錯的說。

The essay 隨筆專欄

I love essay, I used to wrote essay on megazine. Sometime, I feel that it is quite a challenge for me to write a good essay... 曾經寫過隨筆專欄,在一些副刊或雜誌上連載,後來「好吧!寫些博文吧!」這麼一個沒有脈絡可尋的決定,開始在部落格寫起隨筆來。 我本來從事音樂,因此覺得製作音樂或製作音樂節目或安排音樂課程並不太難。雖然不是簡單的工作,作為本業的事,自己默默地努力完成是理所當然的事,沒有理由抱怨。 最近,攝影看起來更像是我的主業了。每天公司都有很多產品要拍,進度排得滿滿的。話雖如此,攝影,我是一半當興趣在做,當作自己喜歡的事在做,所以也不特別覺得難。 如果說:「在課室裡,讓喜歡薩克斯風的朋友,學會玩自己喜歡的音樂」這種開心的工作,都敢抱怨辛苦的話,可能老天爺聽到都會生氣了。 相較之下,隨筆即不是我的本業,也不是我的副業。寫起隨筆,還真有點傷腦筋。該寫些什麼?自己的立場又是什麼?想著想著,腦筋就像旋轉木馬,叮咚!開始搖晃起來。要好好連載隨筆,確實不簡單啊! 如果寫隨筆的立場,可以像做印度鬆餅那樣,'碰!' 的一下,輕鬆地上菜的話。希望大家就像享受印度鬆餅那樣,放鬆肩膀嚼口印度拉茶,輕鬆地'喀茲!喀茲!嚼起鬆餅吧!


你曾經到公司去應徵工作嗎?應徵工作,少不了被要求遞上一份個人資料吧! 說實在的,在一張白紙上盡情地說明自己,講述自己。那可不是一件容易的事呢?至少對我而言,實在不是一件輕鬆的事。但是,如果在一頁白紙上,盡情地講述「印度鬆餅」的事,對我而言,倒不成問題。我是這麼覺得。也曾經寫過不少這些隨筆。 在此,我就不妨試試寫些關於音樂的事,關於攝影的事,關於印度鬆餅的事吧!或許透過這些事,從這些關係中,記下一些關於我的事。

JV William's Studio & Gallery 簡介

關於:JV William (筆名:傑。威)  William is a musician, photographer and writer. he started his musical training, fine art  and sketch lesson since his childhood. William graduated from SAE Institude as an Audio Recording & Media Techonology Engineer.  William work as a music lecturer for 20 years as well as a music performer and photographer. He has involved in photography for two decades since he use his 1st Yashica FX3 film camera as a school event and concert photographer while he was  in high school. Growing up in Borneo Island, all William could think of was jungle, revels, small boat and golden beach. But he was just too much in music and art, playing flutes, harmonica, zither for concert and festival. He spend his time in painting as well as organizing art exhibition with the local famous artist. So he took the best option-- Pick up Saxophone and completed his Performance Certificate Exam and got into SAE Institude to study Recording Engineering and M...

Roland digital saxophone AE-10 some tone demo here

Feel exciting when the 1st look of Roland AE-10 digital saxophone on line. Get into youtube to search for some Tone Demo. Luckily see this video made by AnYiPaPa. It's cool! The Roland aerophone digital saxophone sound is just nice and the playing skill and expression feel like a real acoustic instrument.

Roland digital saxophone Aerophone AE-10

2017, Roland release a Digital Saxophone, the Aerophone AE-10, play like a saxophone, come with many different saxophone sound as well as those cool digital synthesizer keyboard sound. Just switch on the power, play alone with the on board speaker, pluck a headphone play alone at night or pluck into speaker and PA system play LIVE, just like electric guitarist do. Is it cool?